Tag Archive for: "Russia"
Can the US and Russia devise a plan for Syria?

The advent of a new administration in Washington, one with the declared intention to improve relations with Moscow, presents an opportunity for a fresh approach to resolve the dire problem of Syria. Currently a grim …

ASPI suggests

Happy #IWD2017 for Wednesday, y’all. It’s no accident that all of this week’s picks are either about women or by women. Let’s dive in. The Economist has gifted us with their annual Glass Ceiling Index …

Putin’s dance with the Taliban

Russia may be in decline economically and demographically, but, in strategic terms, it is a resurgent power, pursuing a major military rearmament program that will enable it to continue expanding its global influence. One of …

ASPI suggests

There’s been some solid work out recently that draws a line between authoritarianism and the tendencies of the new American President, including David Frum’s cover story for The Atlantic (to which we linked a few …