Tag Archive for: "Russia"
Russia’s Trump dividend in Europe

We’ll have to wait to see what Donald Trump’s election means for Europe. Immediate responses have predicted a boost for right wing populist political parties in Europe. The presence and popularity of Eurosceptic and nationalist …

The Kremlin and the US election

In early November, US President Barack Obama reportedly contacted Russian President Vladimir Putin personally to warn against cyber attacks aimed at the American presidential election. The previous month, the Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper, …

The return of containment

‘The main element of any US policy towards the Soviet Union must be that of a long-term, patient but firm and vigilant containment,’ the US diplomat George Kennan wrote in 1947 in a Foreign Affairs …

Cyber wrap

  Last Tuesday the G7 announced that they have agreed to new ‘non-binding principles’ to protect the global financial system from cyber threats such as last year’s SWIFT hacking incident in Bangladesh. A US Treasury …