Tag Archive for: "United States"
Time to bite the bullet in Syria

Recent events in Syria have naturally raised two questions: Who lost the country? And where might the international community go from here? The first one is easier to answer. Looking back, Syria has probably been …

Trump’s perfidious America

US President Donald Trump’s abrupt decision to withdraw American troops from almost all of Syria, clearing the way for a Turkish offensive against the Kurds, is an unconscionable betrayal of a strategic ally. One would …

The paradoxically pacific Indo-Pacific Command

The United States military hasn’t conducted a single combat operation within the sprawling area of responsibility that defines the Indo-Pacific Command (INDOPACOM) in 44 years. I’m overly fond of pointing out this little-commented-on fact of …

America betrays the Kurds again

The US has done it again. It has once more betrayed Kurdish aspirations for autonomy, this time in Syria. This behaviour fits into a longstanding pattern of moves undertaken by Washington for the past four …

The US needs to choose its battles carefully

We live in the eternal now—a condition which makes it difficult to recall even what happened last week. So readers will be forgiven for not recalling the fine detail of a document published by the …