Tag Archive for: "United States"
Australia’s real choice about China

Australia’s problem with China is bigger and simpler than we think, and thus harder to solve. It isn’t that Beijing doesn’t like Julie Bishop, or that it’s offended by our new political interference legislation, or …

The gift that keeps on giving—to China

All bad management, a business guru once remarked, is taught by example. Donald Trump is teaching a master class on how not to serve as America’s chief executive. By abandoning the thoughtful policymaking of his …

Trump’s war of choice

President Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw the United States from the 2015 nuclear deal with Iran was not his first departure from a key international agreement. From the Trans-Pacific Partnership to the Paris climate accord, tearing …

The annual geoeconomic statement

Australian defence white papers come along occasionally and foreign policy papers are rare, but each year Canberra produces a geoeconomic report card. Although the federal budget is an intensely domestic creature, the Treasury documents always …