Tag Archive for: "Yemen"
ASPI suggests

The world Two conservative leaders have taken a hit this week, with British PM Boris Johnson and US President Donald Trump both getting into sticky situations. The New York Times looks into Johnson’s attempt to …

ASPI suggests

The world Following its formal withdrawal from the INF Treaty, the US has tested a nuclear-capable medium- range cruise missile. For the details on the launch, see War is Boring. Russia and China have both …

ASPI suggests

The world The diplomatic mega-event of the year, the G20 summit, was held in Japan last weekend. Caitlin Byrne nicely captured the main highlights in her post in The Conversation. Not surprisingly, US President Donald …

ASPI suggests

The world US President Donald Trump has formally kicked off his re-election campaign just 500-odd days out from the 2020 election. The New York Times dives into Trump’s claims that he raised US$24.8 million in …

ASPI suggests

The world The people of Hong Kong are waging a strong protest against a proposed law that would allow them to be extradited to mainland China. Here’s a useful collection of CNN stories that covers …