{"id":63461,"date":"2021-03-29T06:00:49","date_gmt":"2021-03-28T19:00:49","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.aspistrategist.ru\/?p=63461"},"modified":"2021-03-28T14:26:09","modified_gmt":"2021-03-28T03:26:09","slug":"indo-pacific-views-from-tokyo-to-tonga","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.aspistrategist.ru\/indo-pacific-views-from-tokyo-to-tonga\/","title":{"rendered":"Indo-Pacific views from Tokyo to Tonga"},"content":{"rendered":"

\u2018Global strategic focus has shifted to the Indo-Pacific. How the region handles the next few years will determine if it becomes the cradle of crises or solutions.\u2019<\/p>\n

\u2014 Cleo Paskal, Indo-Pacific strategies, perceptions and partnerships<\/em><\/a>, Chatham House, March 2021<\/p>\n<\/blockquote>\n

Editors often conjure a good yarn on a big issue by dispatching journalists out to different places to ask the same question.<\/p>\n

The contrasts and rhymes of diverse pubs, parishes and peoples do the alchemy, pulling the story together. Travel the miles and spend the time. Repeating a good question all over the place can turn up gold. It works as well for an academic research paper as a TV documentary.<\/p>\n

Chatham House has just done this with a question for our times: the meaning and purposes of the Indo-Pacific. You\u2019ll not be surprised that China looms large in the answer.<\/p>\n

Chatham House talked to 200 experts in seven countries: the US, the UK, France, India, Tonga, Japan and China, recounted in Indo-Pacific strategies, perceptions and partnerships<\/em><\/a>, by Cleo Paskal<\/a>. The story she tells is how six nations regard the seventh, China.<\/p>\n

The six aren\u2019t as one on what the \u2018Indo-Pacific\u2019 is<\/em> (the French policy community, characteristically, wants the term more clearly defined, while their Indian counterparts see benefits in ambiguity), but the six know what the construct is about<\/em>: \u2018[A]ll agree, to\u00a0some degree or\u00a0another, that the primary driver of\u00a0increasing interest in\u00a0the Indo-Pacific is\u00a0China\u2019s growing economic and\u00a0strategic expansion.\u2019<\/p>\n

Looking out to 2024, the survey found three major themes:<\/p>\n