Search Results for "carrier"
The new global technological divide

This year is proving to be something of a watershed in technology. Government and professional bodies are considering or acting on controls around technologies such as artificial intelligence and encryption. The United States, like Australia …

ASPI suggests

The world The diplomatic mega-event of the year, the G20 summit, was held in Japan last weekend. Caitlin Byrne nicely captured the main highlights in her post in The Conversation. Not surprisingly, US President Donald …

Power and interdependence in the Trump era

US President Donald Trump has been accused of weaponising economic globalisation. Sanctions, tariffs and the restriction of access to US dollars have been major instruments of his foreign policy, and he has been unconstrained by …

Pressure builds on Huawei (part 2)

The Trump administration’s moves against Huawei could not have come at a more critical time. They appear calculated for maximum impact on the policy decisions soon to be made on European 5G mobile networks. Europe …

Pressure builds on Huawei (part 1)

A global struggle over the future of communications is underway. It is centred on Huawei, China’s ‘national champion’ in communications, and notably its leading role in the emerging technology of 5G. The remainder of 2019 …