Search Results for "carrier"
Don’t feed the Donald

What do French President Emmanuel Macron and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe have in common? For one thing, they both believe that, by stroking US President Donald Trump’s fragile ego, they can coax him into …

It’s time for Canberra to stop kowtowing to Beijing

Managing relations with China is the most challenging foreign and security policy problem facing Prime Minister Scott Morrison and his re-elected government. It will demand a rigorous whole-of-government response coordinated by the prime minister’s department …

ASPI suggests

The world ‘Asia’s premier defence summit’, the Shangri-La Dialogue, was held last weekend and was attended by defence ministers, government officials and think-tank representatives from across the region. Sam Sachdeva’s Newsroom report captured the highlights …

Tiananmen Square, 3–4 June 1989

We live in an era that lionises a love of beginnings. It is what the media—and through it, imagination—strive for. But discovery, no matter how novel, is never original. It draws on the past. The …

ASPI suggests

The world The latest UN climate change report contains some distressing facts and figures. See the media release here which provides the main points. Vox dives in on the most worrying conclusion of the report—that …

Iran–US relations: a race against time

Iran and the US are engaged in a strategic race with opposing objectives, but a common deadline—the US presidential election in November 2020. For Iran, it’s a race for survival of the regime, to ensure …