Search Results for " japan submarine"
Japan’s return to single-party dominance

Japanese voters delivered a landslide victory to Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and the ruling coalition in an upper house election held on 10 July. While the outcome was never in doubt, the shift in the …

DWP 2016: a Japanese perspective

I’d like to make some comments about the recent Australian Defence White Paper, comparing it with some strategic documents published by the Government of Japan (GoJ). I have great respect for the effort that’s been …

Whaling and Japan’s security cooperation with Australia

Australia and Japan are key actors in the Indo–Pacific, integral to the region’s future security architecture and the prevalence of international law at sea. Australia’s location, democratic system, economy and military capabilities make the country …

Australia’s Future Submarine: the great battery debate

Unlike nearly all northern hemisphere diesel-electric submarines, the Swedish-designed Collins class is intended to meet a unique operational requirement—to routinely conduct long and distant patrols. This presents many engineering challenges not faced by other navies. …