Search Results for " japan submarine"
The push for a submarine tender

The government doesn’t seem to understand the words it has been saying on submarines. It has committed to a ‘competitive evaluation process’ for the future submarine project—a term not used in defence circles—and some seem …

‘Future submarines’—an Australia soap opera

A soap opera typically has a number of common features: forced characters, somewhat unbelievable; a plot in which dramatic events occur frequently but the story itself doesn’t reach any sort of conclusion; a familiar setting …

Hostage crisis wasn’t Japan’s 9/11

The dramatic hostage crisis in Syria ended tragically with the execution of two Japanese hostages and a Jordanian pilot by ISIS militants. Kunihiko Miyake, a former Japanese diplomat, described the crisis as a ‘9/11 for …

Japan and the hostage crisis

Japan’s discovering that being a ‘normal’ state in international relations isn’t all beer and skittles. The brutal death of two Japanese hostages at the hands of Islamic State is, in an ugly back-handed way, confirmation …

Japan’s ‘record’ defence budget request

Much has been made in the media (for instance, here and here) about the Japanese government’s ‘record’ defence budget request for Fiscal Year 2015. With ¥4.98 trillion (roughly US$42 billion), it’d be the ‘largest budget …

Are we having the right submarine debate?

After reading Peter Briggs’ excellent posts on why Australia should build its own submarines (here and here), it occurred to me that we may be missing a more important element of the discussion. Recently, I …

Why Australia should build its own submarines (2)

In my post yesterday I highlighted the stand-out attributes of submarines, Australia’s need for a greater range/endurance than is available off the shelf, the difficulties of increasing the payload and mobility of an existing design and …

China as Number One, Japan as Normal

In 2014, China arrived as the economic Number One and Japan arrived as a ‘normal’ security player in Asia. China confronts the many meanings and huge character test of being the biggest. Japan has just …