Search Results for "governing the net"
Cyber wrap

Welcome to the cyber wrap for another week. Just to mix things up, we’ll be coming to you each Tuesday for the next little while. Now for an update on all things cyber: Offensive cyber …

Gamechangers in Asia

In late February, I attended the Ditchley Park conference on power rivalries in Asia. A sub-theme of the conference was to explore whether the region was being drawn into an arms race. Like all good …

Unmanned aerial systems—where to for Australia?

Minister for Defence Senator David Johnston took the opportunity to launch a special report from The Sir Richard Williams Foundation, Protecting Australia with UAS (unmanned aerial systems), at the Australian Defence Magazine Congress earlier this …

It’s Canberra Day

It’s a Canberra Day public holiday so we’ll be publishing a limited number of posts today. But we’ll be back tomorrow with our usual program of analysis, stats and graphs for your reading pleasure. The

Pushing back on China: a rational approach

I appreciated Jake Douglas’ response to the article Ely Ratner and I co-authored, ‘Roiling the Waters‘, in the January/February edition of Foreign Policy. Douglas’ constructive engagement helps to focus and clarify arguments within this important debate. …

Cyber wrap

Netizens are in an uproar as a DC Federal Court has come down against the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) net neutrality rules. Verizon, the lead plaintiff in the case, petitioned for its right to ‘manage’ …

The US Army’s pivot to Southeast Asia

In January 2012, the Obama administration released a new Defense Strategic Guidance (PDF) that explicitly enunciated the need to re-engage the Asia-Pacific. Two principal questions have since arisen as a result of this reorientation. First, …

ASPI suggests

Welcome back from the break! We’ve kicked off this year’s blogging with Rod Lyon on the security landscape in Asia for 2014 and Peter Jennings on lessons from the 1987 white paper. But if you’ve already made your way through …

ASPI suggests

Welcome to our final ASPI suggests for 2013! How big are the region’s navies? has a super useful infographic (above, click to enlarge) that compares the size of China’s, Japan’s, Russia’s, Canada’s and the US …

Australia and Indonesia: what now?

Australians shouldn’t underestimate the depth of feeling that Indonesians feel about the recent spying matter. It has aggravated some old, deep wounds and surprised many there. This kind of surprise leads to deep cracks that …