Search Results for "governing the net"
Beijing and Washington: share first, trust later

The gathering’s theme was ‘Security and Cooperation in the Asia Pacific Region,’ yet the US–China relationship dominated. The symposium run by the China Institute for International Strategic Studies was free of academic mumbo-jumbo. The sessions, at …

Feeling edgy: Japan’s new defence white paper

The Japanese government released its annual Defense White Paper (DWP) on Tuesday. In comparison with last year’s version it displays a harsher attitude towards China, indicating that Japan’s defence policy could shift further in coming …

ASPI suggests: special edition

The latest issue of the Kokoda Foundation’s Security Challenges journal is a special edition that collects contributions on ‘The Defence White Paper 2013’. ASPI is well represented, and the abstracts of our papers are reprinted …

ASPI suggests

Kevin Rudd has used his first trip as Prime Minister to the Australia–Indonesia Annual Leader’s meeting in Jakarta to launch the Australia the Asian Century Indonesia country strategy (PDF). Looking out to 2025, the strategy …

ASPI suggests

We’ll kick off this week with a collection of 230 websites and blogs for terrorism research, compiled by the journal, Perspectives on Terrorism. (Thanks Andrew Z) Also, the Lowy Institute has released their Annual Poll 2013 and for strategy buffs, there

The Southeast Asian emphasis in DWP2013

Defence White Paper 2013 breaks new ground in a number of areas—but at the big picture level, the most striking aspect of the paper is its revaluation of Southeast Asia. In place of the vague …

ASPI suggests

*Stop Press* In the still developing story of NSA’s Prism program (see Toby Feakin on The Strategist earlier this week if you missed it), the Guardian newspaper has published the classified ‘rules’ that NSA follows …

Amphibious lift – a catalyst for increasing jointery

Let me reply to the Related Posts (linked below) in this lengthening conversation on amphibious operations. I’ll reply mainly without restating arguments. The DWP2013 gives weight to combat operations, seeing a role for amphibious ships …

The cyber bogeyman

At Australian Defence Magazine’s 3rd Cyber Security Summit this week, members of the shadowy cyber world gathered to swap war stories and scare one another silly with worst case scenarios. The thought that every major …

The Strategist Survey and Competition

We’d like to say a big thank you for the response to our survey. We got many useful suggestions and comments, all of which were read with great interest. You might notice a few changes …

ASPI suggests

Welcome back for another round of new reports, developments in regional and international security and upcoming events. First for today is a new report by the Center for a New American Security that studies the