Search Results for " japan submarine"
ADF Capability snapshots—part 1: RAAF

  It’s been five years since ASPI last took a detailed look at the capability of the ADF. Our 2010 Capability Review series looked at each of the services and the overall ability of the …

ASPI suggests

We begin today’s Suggests with a tribute to Jacky Sutton, an activist and writer, who’d been working as the Iraq director for the Institute of War and Peace Reporting when it was announced she was …

Sea, air and land updates

Sea State On Saturday, naval warships, aircraft carriers and submarines from the US, India and Japan streamed into the Bay of Bengal as part of the Malabar exercises. A joint press release from the three countries claimed that …

ASPI suggests

The US-led airstrike on a Médecins sans Frontières hospital in Kunduz, Afghanistan, which killed 12 MSF workers and 10 patients, is a story that has a long way to run. General John Campbell, the American …

Sea, air and land updates

Sea State Competition between the three contenders for the replacement of the Royal Navy’s Collins-class submarines has started to heat up with Japan now revealing its willingness to build the submarines in Australia despite previous …

The SEA 1000 contenders: the French (part 3)

It’s often said that in terms of range, what Australia is looking for in replacing the Collins-class is a nuclear submarine, but with conventional propulsion. If this assessment were taken too literally it would favor …

ASPI suggests

Wednesday brought confirmation that the RAAF had carried out its first successful airstrikes in eastern Syria. While it was only mid-last week that Tony Abbott announced the expansion of Australia’s operations in the Middle East, …

Another lap of the Quad

Recent comments made by Australian Defence Minister Kevin Andrews regarding the possibility of four nation naval exercises involving Australia, India, Japan and the United States suggest that there might be some interest in Canberra in …

The US and assurance anxieties in Asia

The US ‘rebalance’ to the Asia–Pacific has been under way since late 2011. Then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton wrote in October 2011 of a ‘strategic turn to the region…to secure and sustain America’s global …

Sea, air and land updates

Sea State In an effort to tackle the worsening European refugee crisis, the UN Security Council is considering allowing European naval forces to intercept boats arriving from the Middle East and North Africa. If the …