Search Results for " japan submarine"
North Korea: once more down the diplomatic path?

With the world awash with strategic challenges—including Chinese building efforts in the South China Sea, Islamic State’s on-the-ground victories in Iraq and Syria, and the difficulties still confronting the Iranian nuclear deal—North Korea probably hasn’t …

Sea, air and land updates

Sea State The Friday before last, Defence Minister Kevin Andrews announced that the panel overseeing the competitive evaluation process for Australia’s future submarine project will be headed by Professor Donald Winter—a former secretary of the …

The future of undersea warfare

Much has been made of the recent release of the report by the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments (CSBA) into the emerging era of undersea warfare. The wide coverage that the report received in …

Australia and the Freedoms of Navigation

Ringed as we are by archipelagos, freedoms of navigation and overflight (FON) are extremely important to Australia. The archipelagic sea lanes (ASL) passage introduced by the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) …

Cyber wrap

At the recent meeting of the US–Japan Cyber Defense Policy Working Group, both countries agreed to deepen their already extensive cyber cooperation. In a joint statement the two nations spoke of the increasing risk posed …

Sea, air and land updates

Sea State The 2015 Shangri-La Dialogue ran over the weekend, and maritime security issues featured prominently in the wake of escalating tensions in the South China Sea. In his keynote address, US Secretary of Defense …

Cyber wrap

The Japanese government has released a draft version of the country’s updated cyber strategy, due for release in June 2015 (PDF – Japanese only). The strategy, presented at a cyber security taskforce meeting on Monday …

Sea, air and land updates

Sea State Last week, TKMS opened its dockyards in Kiel to visiting Australian defence writers to discuss its submarine and surface fleet operations. The Germans have displayed a transparency in the competitive evaluation process that …

Sea, air and land updates

Sea State At last week’s MAST Asia 2015 conference on maritime defence and security technology in Yokohama, it became apparent that Japan’s two largest defence manufacturers—Mitsubishi and Kawasaki—are awaiting the Japanese government’s lead on two …

China’s South China Sea strategy: simply brilliant

A Fiery Cross to Bear: Interactive on #China construction on Fiery Cross Reef – — AMTI (@AsiaMTI) April 20, 2015 In the past 12 months, China has provoked considerable attention with its reclamation …