Search Results for " japan submarine"
ASPI suggests

Welcome back for the second 2015 round-up of new reports and recommended links. Not to be outdone by the Army, the US Navy is now looking at Iron Man suits aka military exoskeletons (like the …

Cyber wrap

Happy New Year from Team ICPC! Unfortunately last year’s mess that was the hack of Sony Pictures Entertainments has followed us into 2015 and tensions continue to rise between the United States and North Korea. …

Retrovision, 2014

Humorists often say that hindsight is 20/20 vision. Not so. Historians will tell you that we often don’t see things clearly even in the rear-view mirror. As ASPI begins its shutdown for the Christmas–New Year …

ASPI suggests: Christmas edition

We’re kicking off the last round-up for 2014 with peek into the new year: our colleagues at CSIS have predicted five events that will shape Southeast Asia in 2015 including a ruling on the Philippines’ South China …

AWD: time for Plan B

Yesterday the government made two announcements about naval shipbuilding. The first was its plan to fix the ailing Air Warfare Destroyer program. What emerged wasn’t the approach foreshadowed in the press a few months ago, …

ASPI suggests

‘The warrior ethos is at risk!’ Headlining today’s round-up is a speech by the US Army’s Lieutenant General H.R. McMaster at a Veterans Day ceremony. Specifically, it’s worth reading the second half, which discusses the importance …