Search Results for " japan submarine"
ASPI suggests

Today’s first pick is a piece on The Bridge by Australian Army officer Jason Logue on how to effectively counter ISIS’ strategic communications and stem recruitment of Australian fighters. He writes, Playing the counter-propaganda game …

ASPI suggests

We’re kicking off today in the Asia Pacific region with this East Asia Forum post by TJ Pempel on why Japan’s collective self-defence is so politicised. The piece explains Japan’s recent developments as more than …

ASPI suggests

Fairfax’s Michael Bachelard kicks off this week’s recommended readings and podcasts with this op-ed on how Australia ‘won’ the spying row with Indonesia. He argues that the language of the Code of Conduct, signed yesterday by …

Cyber wrap

This week, Australian government and private sector cooperation on cybersecurity appears to have picked up pace. Speaking at a summit in Sydney, Mike Rothery, First Assistant Secretary at the Attorney-General’s Department’s National Security Resilience Policy …

ASPI suggests

I’m kicking off today’s round-up with some good news: yesterday Indonesia’s Constitutional Court upheld the 9 July election result, reaffirming Joko Widodo would become the country’s seventh president. But before we get carried away with …

ASPI suggests

I’m kicking off today’s list with a piece by ANU’s Dr Mathew Davies who cogently argues that the anti-IS and pro-Iraq strategy of the US needs to consider a post-Iraq Middle East. Systematically outlining the …

ASPI suggests

Welcome back for another round-up of new reports, videos and podcasts in defence and international security! US President Barack Obama has announced the authorisation of two operations in Iraq: targeted airstrikes against IS convoys to protect …

Choosing not to choose

Hugh White writes ‘I don’t believe that Australia must make a choice between America and China’ and adds another perilous twist to his ‘China-Choice’ journey. Well, you could have fooled me! Hugh and I agree …

The elephant in the conference room

The worst-kept secret at the DMO Defence and Industry conference this week was the government’s active consideration of buying submarines from Japan. Although it was never mentioned in any presentation, Option J, as it has …