Search Results for " japan submarine"
The five greatest metal battleships of all time

In December last year, National Interest listed the world’s five greatest battleships, defined as the most iconic. Definitions matter. Less adventurous but maybe more easily defended, here’s a list of the five greatest metal battleships …

ASPI suggests

You know the drill! Here are some new reports, links and other useful defence and security-related things. This week news has been dominated by the activities of the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham aka …

Cyber wrap

Cyber policy was on the table at the 5th Japan–Australia 2+2 Foreign and Defence Ministerial Consultations in Tokyo last week. Building on Tony Abbott’s April commitment to hold a bilateral cyber dialogue, the consultation established that …

What is China’s strategy?

A simple question about what China has been doing to its neighbours keeps recurring: How is that smart? The question came up in dozens of conversations at the Shangri-La dialogue in Singapore and the Asia-Pacific …

ASPI suggests

For this week’s final instalment of suggests from Washington DC, I’ve rounded up a mix of expertise from both sides of the pond. Kicking off this week is a Wall Street Journal piece by CNAS’ …

ASPI suggests: Asia Pacific edition

Welcome back for another instalment of ASPI suggests from Washington DC. I’ve found our region’s experts have a lot to offer our American colleagues when it comes to understanding the Asia Pacific, especially Southeast Asia. …

Modi’s triple bottom line

The growing India-chatter within foreign policy circles has recently intensified after the election of the most ‘Indian’ of Indian Prime Ministers in decades. Many have speculated whether Modi’s cultural-nationalist past will define his foreign policy. …

On the beach: Tony Abbott at Normandy

As memories are lost it becomes the role of commemorations to shape our view of history.  The 40th anniversary commemorations of the Normandy landings in 1984 brought Ronald Reagan to Pointe du Hoc, where US …

ASPI suggests: Washington, DC edition (II)

Still reporting from Washington DC, this week’s ‘Suggests’ is jam-packed with links, reports, podcasts and videos on strategy, security and defence. I’m kicking off today with a general shout-out for a handful of stellar American …