Search Results for "carrier"
Hard Japan versus comfortable Japan

Japan faces a choice. Will it decide on a hard or a comfortable future? Decisions—political, strategic and social—don’t come much bigger. What Japan’s leaders and people pick will say much about our times and the …

Land 400—too much of a good thing?

The government will soon announce the successful bidder to replace the Army’s ASLAV armoured cavalry vehicles under project Land 400 Phase 2 Combat Reconnaissance Vehicles (CRVs). My new ASPI Strategic Insights paper can be found …

ASPI suggests

The world Welcome to the last ‘ASPI suggests’ of 2017. Let’s kick things off with a look back at the year. The New York Times has published a list of its most-read stories of 2017 …

The Trumping of Asia

In the last year, the single most pointless wound inflicted by the US on Asia, not to mention itself, was its abandonment of the Trans-Pacific Partnership. In one fell swoop, the once great free-trading nation …

A cold northern spring

When North Korea launched its Hwasong-15 ICBM last week, Donald Trump responded with the words, ‘We will take care of it’, later adding, ‘It is a situation we will handle.’ The latest missile launch followed what …

Towards China’s A2AD 2.0

China’s military modernisation remains a key concern for the US and its allies. Crucial in that regard has been China’s development of forces geared towards preventing uncontested access to its air and maritime approaches by …

Australian marines—what would they be good for?

A UK blog, the Thin Pinstriped Line, has produced a piece about the Royal Marines titled ‘The Corps huh, What is it good for?’ Given Australia’s considerable investment in amphibious capability, a discussion about the …