Search Results for "carrier"
The European Union and the Sahel

  It was remarkable that the first foreign trip taken by newly elected French President Macron was to Mali to meet French troops undertaking an anti-insurgency/terrorism operation in the north of the country (within days, …

ASPI suggests

First up, this must-read longread courtesy of The National Interest chronicles how deep structural shifts are afflicting the global system to bring about an end to the post-Cold War era. The authors reflect on the …

A North Korean H-bomb

A hydrogen bomb fits North Korean nuclear strategy so perfectly that it’s likely to be a top priority program. Most discussion of North Korea’s nuclear effort focuses on matters of “can and when”. Can they …

China’s PLAN—breaking out to blue waters

On 25 December 2016, the PLAN deployed its Liaoning carrier group beyond the First Island Chain for the first time, in what many considered to be a warning to Taipei after President Tsai Ing-wen’s phone …