Search Results for "carrier"
ANZUS for the 21st century

Defence Department Secretary Dennis Richardson retired today, after 48 years in the public service. In that time he also headed ASIO and DFAT, and served a term as Australia’s ambassador to Washington. This is an …

ASPI suggests

Welcome back to ASPI suggests, dear readers, where nary a week goes by without a fresh incident from 1600 Penn for us to sink our teeth into. This week, of course, it’s FBI Director James …

The Coral Sea, 1942: a nation-saving battle

The Battle of the Coral Sea isn’t as iconic in our national consciousness as Gallipoli, Kokoda, or even El Alamein, Villers-Bretonneux, Amiens or Beersheba. Those battles and others in the two world wars played into …

Combating piracy in the Sulu-Celebes Sea

Despite a surge in kidnapping of seamen from vessels in the Sulu-Celebes Sea, joint counter piracy patrols planned by the Philippines, Indonesia and Malaysia have been postponed indefinitely. A planned signing ceremony by the three …

Trump’s diplomatic deficit

Connecting the strategic dots between Afghanistan, Syria, and North Korea has become an unavoidable task. Only by doing so can the world begin to discern something resembling a coherent, if misguided, approach to US foreign …

Pests slowing the Marine’s Darwin advance

Plans to rotate a potent 2,500-strong US Marine Air-Ground Task Force through Darwin for six months at a time may fall foul of Australia’s tough biosecurity regulations. A new report by the US Government Accountability …

ASPI suggests

Ahoy, readers. First up this week, a look at the curious incident of the lost carrier battle group in the Asia–Pacific. Let’s be clear: this whole episode is whack. President Trump’s claim that the US …