Search Results for "carrier"
Modi’s drive to connect India with the world

As Narendra Modi shifts Indian foreign policy from looking to acting—from passive to active—he’s also counting on an infrastructure push to better connect India at home and with its region. India’s connectivity drive includes projects …

ASPI suggests

In the spirit of President Frank Underwood, whelcome back to another wheek of ASPI suggests. The Pulitzer Committee did us a great service this week in doling out the 2016 prizes. Some prime picks include …

Form follows function

In ‘The expanding of the shrew’ Andrew Davies offered up an interesting view of warship nomenclature and why the future frigate should be classified as a cruiser because the displacement for the vessel could be …

Seeing the dragon on our doorstep (part 2)

In my previous post, I recommended Australia develop a networked Theatre ASW (TASW) capability—including building its own Integrated Undersea Surveillance System (IUSS)—as an essential capability in the face of likely Chinese PLA-N operations in our …

China: courting disaster in South China Sea

Peter Jennings is right to point out that siting surface-to-air missiles (SAM) on Woody Island in the Paracel Islands is a strategic game-changer for the South China Sea. It’s also the logical corollary to building …

Seeing the dragon on our doorstep (part 1)

A key challenge in the coming years for Australia will be the PLA’s growing ability to project military power beyond what Chinese military thinkers deem to be the first and second island chains (see map …