Search Results for "carrier"
Defence and liquid transport fuel resilience

Diversifying choice of fuel supplies can have a real impact on naval operational capacity, in addition to managing the costs sustaining capability. This month there’s been lots of naval talk about alternative fuels when the …

That sinking feeling: is the flattop finished?

The nuclear-powered aircraft carrier has been the ultimate symbol of American power and prestige for decades. These vessels are both incredibly capable and incredibly expensive. However, the combination of the proliferation of long range anti-access/area …

Electronic warfare in the South China Sea

‘An information technology-based war at sea is sudden, cruel and short…’ was how the Chinese military characterised a peer-to-peer naval conflict at sea in a public statement at the beginning of the month during PLAN …

UCAS and the RAAF’s future   

A common refrain when discussing the future of airpower is that ‘the F-35 is the last manned fighter’ and the future belongs to unmanned systems. The expanding use of unmanned air systems (UAS) such as …